The following are the Rules & Regulations of Timilo Boutique under which rooms are permitted to Guests and to abide with

1. Management Lien on Guests Luggage & Belongings: In Case of delay in payment of dues by a guest or his/her booking agent, the Management has the right to LIEN on the luggage and belongings and sell it or auction it at the property at any time after 10 days of their departure, without reference to the party and appropriate net sale proceeds towards the amount due by the guest

2. Dress Code: We request our guest to wear formal dresses for dining. Slippers are strictly Prohibited

3. Guest’s Valuables, Cash, Jewellery, etc: Guests are requested to lock the doors of their room while going out or when going to bed, the hotel will not in any way whatsoever, be responsible for the loss of guest’s belongings or any other property not entrusted to the Management or for damage thereof, whether due the neglect of hotel employees or agents or any other cause whatsoever, including theft or pilferage.

4. Management Rights: The Management reserves to itself the absolute right of admission to any Guest in the hotel premises and vacates his/her room if he/she is found troubling other guests.

5. Damage to Property: Guest will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the Property caused by them while staying and will be liable to pay to the hotel as per the actual purchase rate.

6. Room Keys: Room keys must be deposited at the reception desk whenever Guest leave the Premises and at the time of check out. Guest are not Permitted to carry the Room Keys while going out. In case of Damage or Loss of the Room Key, Guest’s will be charge accordingly

7. Hazardous Goods: Storing of hazardous goods like raw or exposed cinema films, gas cylinders, cooking stove, drugs, inflammable fuels, firearms, etc, in the hotel premises by guests is strictly prohibited.

8. Government Rules & Regulation: Guests are requested to observe govt. rules and regulations enforce from time to time, in respect of registration, alcoholic drinks, firearms, covid, etc.

9. Smoking: Smoking is Prohibited in hotel rooms and general areas such as Bar, Restaurant & Lounge. However, Guest can smoke at their private balcony without disturbing the other guest.

10. Visitors: Visitors are not allowed after 7 pm to entertain at Guest rooms and have to submit his/her address proof at the reception desk for security & safety of In house guests

11. Pets: Pets are strictly not allowed